The Blog

23 May

Different flowers mean different honey varieties

The type of flower the bees collect their nectar from determines the flavour of the honey. For example if they collect nectar from the Ironbark tree, then we call the honey we collect “Ironbark”.⁠ #clayridgehoney #shoalhavenhoney #jervisbayhoney

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22 May

Honey and its healing properties

Did you know? The wound-healing properties of raw, unprocessed honey are well documented and results indicate that not only do wounds treated with honey heal quickly but also with less scarring. ⁠ #clayridgehoney #shoalhavenhoney #jervisbayhoney

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22 May

Learning about bees from a young age

You are never too young to learn about the important role that bees play in our environment. Here is our son Lachlan enjoying every minute with our bees.⁠ #clayridgehoney #shoalhavenhoney #jervisbayhoney

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18 May

Honey Joys Recipe – A Family Favourite

Honey Joys Recipe – A Family Favourite⁠ ⁠ • 4 1/2 cups cornflakes ⁠ • 120g salted butter, chopped ⁠ • 1 1/2 tablespoons Clayridge Honey ⁠ • 1/3 cup caster sugar ⁠ ⁠ 1. Preheat oven to 180C/160C fan-forced. Line 12 hole muffin pan with paper cases. ⁠ 2. Place cornflakes in a large

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15 May

Bees are busy all year round

Busy busy bees are in the garden regardless of the weather. Pollen and nectar are essential to their survival . #clayridgehoney⁠ #shoalhavenhoney⁠ #jervisbayhoney

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15 May

Honey in Production

A beautiful snapshot of our honey in production. Happy little bees make yummy honey.⁠ #clayridgehoney #shoalhavenhoney #jervisbayhoney

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15 May

Bees Love Flowers

Bees love most things that flower. Plant them and they will come.⁠ This little lady is enjoying visiting our pear tree. #clayridgehoney⁠ #shoalhavenhoney⁠ #jervisbayhoney⁠

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15 May

Perfect Little Family

Bees have the perfect family life as a member of a giant cohesive team. These girls are getting ready to launch and collect nectar to make our beautiful honey. ⁠ #clayridgehoney⁠ #shoalhavenhoney⁠ #jervisbayhoney

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15 May

Very Busy Little Bees

To produce a kilogram of honey, bees fly the equivalent of three times around the world in air miles. ⁠ #clayridgehoney⁠ #shoalhavenhoney⁠ #jervisbayhoney

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15 May

Honey and Lemons Are The Best of Friends

Honey and Lemons go together like, well like Honey and Lemons. It is the perfect time to enjoy a hot cup of honey and lemon tea. Squeeze the juice of one lemon into a mug, pour in hot water and add a tablespoon of your favourite Clayridge honey. Perfect.⁠ #clayridgehoney⁠ #shoalhavenhoney⁠ #jervisbayhoney

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